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My Date Told Me She Can See Ghosts

My Date Told Me She Can See Ghosts

Have some fun with it and don’t take it too seriously. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook2Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships Tagged in: Dating, Relationships I’m back with another edition of Dating Recipes that you can use and abuse for your own fiendish purposes. Just don’t tell anyone that Alex sent ya. That’s surely the way to get punched in the neck. Locally, where I live, there are a quantity of metropolitan areas with thriving artist communities and it turns out they’re all fairly close to me aka within driving distance.fling dating So that’s the type of date I’d like to focus on. Ingredients: 1x Art Festival/Art Walk or open Art Gallery. 2x People (you and your date, of course!) 1x Coffee house or restaurant picked out Sprinkle some music around Add a dash of conversation with a willingness to walk and you’re all set. What’s great about these artistic events, festivals and gallery openings is that, often, you can find free wine and snacks as you make your way from gallery to gallery on your date. Not only that but the myriad artwork you’ll likely encounter have the potential to produce for some really interesting conversation. There’s no right way to “do” this type of date. Individually, I’d just take my date or meet them somewhere close to where the artsy stuff is happening. I would suggest walking around and checking out some of the galleries and art that are open to the public.

After some good conversation, perhaps we get coffee and walk some more or even get dinner. Again, I don’t think it matters in what order you choose to do these activities. Certainly none of them are required, but do make a good impression on your date. How can you find out when such events are coming to a hood near you? Well, there’s certainly no shortage of information out there. Given that I reside in Southern California I’m able to always refer to LA or OC Weekly for local news on what’s happening. Peruse the events portion of your local newspaper. Or take your search online. I’m a fan of Yelp and Cityvibe, personally. Either of those are fantastic resources to find such events in your area.

At the end of your date you might be out thirty bucks or so, but the hope is that while you were taking in some art, culture and some music you also had some good conversation with someone special. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook3Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Date Ideas, Tips & Advice Tagged in: advice, Dating, ideas The more promising a date, the harder it is to keep your cool during the planning process. From shoes, to hair, to what you’ll order at dinner… there’s a lot to stress yourself out about. I’ve been on a lot of first dates, and only a few of them were what I would qualify as good. The success or failure of a first date depends on two things: the people involved, and what they’re involved with during the date. Getting your mind and body in shape before putting yourself out on the market is the first step to a quality first date.

Yes, that means getting yourself in gear months in advance, but it’ll pay off! In The Truth About Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary, the topic of eating well and exercising is emphasized as part of feeling good about oneself. Mike states further that feeling good about oneself ultimately leads to more confidence ( and more intimacy) within the relationship. So without further ado, here’s some great tips: 1. Act like a teenager. It’s tempting to go for a safe idea, like dinner and a movie, when planning a first date.topadultreview.com But rather than sticking to something routine—which won’t require either of you to step outside your comfort zone and loosen up—try something wacky, even a little childish. Mini-golf is fun, it’s goofy, and it forces you to let loose. You can tell lot about a person considering how they react to competition, and a game of putt-putt brings out the competitor in all of us. If 18 holes don’t sound appealing, why not an arcade, laser tag, or an ice-skating rink? Here’s a fun thought: make a bet the date that whoever wins the round of whatever game you’re playing gets to choose date #2’s itinerary. 2. Explore a science museum, aquarium or zoo together. If you’re not the night out type, an afternoon at a museum is the perfect alternative first date to the old standby of drinks and awkward conversation.

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Not only will strolling around a museum give you time to get to know each other, it will provide you with plenty of fodder for conversation.

We all have a nerdy side, and relaxing enough on a first date to show yours tells your date you’re laid back and fun. 3. Meet for breakfast before work. When people think “date,” they jump to Friday or Saturday night. But why can’t Tuesday morning be “date night,” too? Make a plan to meet somewhere convenient to both your workplaces. You’re always so rushed and stressed in the morning, wouldn’t it be nice to be excited for once instead? And here’s an added bonus: if her program the Diet Solution Program by Isabel De Los Rios, she stresses how easy it is to eat well no matter where you’re dining as long as you know what to look for. Another plus? The time constraint of needing to get to work will help avoid that awkward end-of-the-night “what next?” moment. 4. Take your (or his!) dog for a walk in a park, and pack a picnic lunch.

If you have a pet, chances are it’s important to you that your significant other not only accept but adore the little thing. And in case your date is a pet owner, I’m sure he feels the same way. Offer to pack a picnic and head to a park or wildlife recreation area for a leisurely walk. Having a pet along for the date is like having a best friend there, making it so much easier to relax into conversation. 5. Find a bar with board games or trivia night, and start a friendly competition. If you like the bar scene, look for one with an interesting twist. Most bars have a trivia night, but a lot have also started keeping board games behind the counter for patrons to loan out over a pint. Google a few local spots to find one with Scrabble on hand, and challenge your date to a word-off. This is also a great option for group or double dates—if you’re shy, bring a friend and her beau along and sic yourself and your date against them in a game of Sorry! over some sangria, or Monopoly coupled with mimosas. About Dr. Mike Tremba Dr Mike is a writer, publisher, and of course, past (pre-marriage) dater. He can usually be found on the great beaches of Southern Alabama, or somewhere outside getting exercise. Through the failures he’s had ( as well as the successes), he loves sharing his tips on making life more enjoyable. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook6Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships Tagged in: Dating, Fun Date Ideas, Relationships There is a theory in relationships that there is always one person that is slightly more attached than the other ( and sometimes it happens to be more than just slightly).

In very long-term relationships, this can go back and forth between the two people, each one taking their turn being more attached. Sometimes it just happens on its own, and sometimes an event can trigger this change. Unfortunately for the female species, we are usually on the side of the equation that happens to be more attached. We feel like we are more “involved” in the relationship than the person that we are attached to. Perhaps it is because there is more pressure on a female to get married (as a general rule). So, we feel that if a guy is even slightly better than horrible, we should try to hold on to him and not let go. The fear of reaching “spinster” age and being alone kicks in, and we let ourselves get attached to anyone that shows us the slightest interest. And though this is a very common occurrence, oftentimes the person that is more attached does not realize that they are in this situation. Unfortunately, there usually comes moment of clarity when this fact hits them upside the head like a ton of bricks. They are then faced with the question: “What do now?” If you have been dating the other person for a while, and you have determined that you are truly far more attached than they are, it may be time to evaluate whether or not you should really stick around. There is a distinct feeling of disappointment that comes along with knowing that the other person is simply not as in to you in to them. If the difference is minor, it is likely just small insecurities playing out. If the difference is small, it is often tolerable and almost not noticeable. There is the other side of the coin. If you are in a relationship where the other person is attached to you, and you are not attached at all, it can make for very uncomfortable moments.

A decision needs to be made, and quickly. Is this person someone that one could see yourself becoming attached to? If the answer is no, it is only fair to the other person involved if you let them go. It is not the right thing to do to continue to string them along and let them believe that there is more to the relationship than there is. However, if you think that there is a possibility that you may one day also become attached, there is no need to be hasty. The important thing is to try not to make your lack of attachment (or at least your lesser attachment) known to the other person.

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If they become aware of the fact that they’ve been far more attached, they may leave before you will get your chance to see how you truly feel. After all is said and done, it is most important that you do not take a one-sided relationship too much to heart. Everyone has them once in a while. And, if you give it some time, it could become the relationship you want. But don’t wait around too long… your self-esteem will get hit eventually, and you have to make sure you will be able to recover for the next one. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook2Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, For Men, For Women, Relationships Tagged in: advice, Dating Women and men who reach their 40s crave for sex more than ever according to quite a lot of studies which have been conducted on the topic. However, in women, the pelvic floor weakens and the vagina starts losing its elasticity and therefore women do not get easily aroused. Because of this, quite a lot of couples in their 40s invariably face a few problems when they reach their 40s.

Sex in the 40s Although there are quite lot of challenges when it comes to sex in the 40s, there is also a lot of deeper satisfaction too. Quite a lot of women in this age report that feel a greater level of compatibility and intimacy with their partners and say that their relationship grows to a new level in their 40s. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the 40s since sex can still be the perfect way to bring your relationship to life. Changes in Women in their 40s When women reach their 40s, the hormones start declining. There can be several symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and sleep disturbances. This is the time which leads up to menopause and quite a lot of women begin experiencing these symptoms in their mid and late 30s. menopause is a normal and natural process but quite a lot of women do not realize the need for getting treatment at the right time. /**/ // AB_pos = «intext»; AB_lang = «en»; AB_cat_channel = «6383110848, «; AB_path = «http://d21j60o022fwiu.cloudfront.net/»; document.write(unescape(«%3Cscript src=’https://d21j60o022fwiu.cloudfront.net/gads/controller3.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E»)); // ]]>//


During this time, the key to having a sexually satisfying life is part considering relationship and part emotional. In the 40s women have to not just concentrate on their hormones but also on their health and their relationship if they want to experience a fulfilling sex life.

Enhance Your Libido

Quite a lot of women experience the lowest libido when they are in their 40s but it is still not a cause for concern as they would be able to have a happy sex life. Vaginal dryness is quite common at this age so be sure to get yourself a medical check up regularly. Get all of your hormones tested and discuss your symptoms with the doctor.

The testosterone and estrogen levels start declining in the 40s so you might experience some symptoms. Also, dopamine is known to play a essential role in the sex life. Once you are in a predictable and stable relationship, the dopamine in the brain quiets down. Doing exciting and new things with your partner can again kick start the production of dopamine in your body.

Do not neglect sex just because you are in your 40s. The more sex you have, the closer you would feel to your partner. Your partner too would be more romantically inclined towards you and it would generally increase the intimacy level for both of you. For a healthy relationship, frequent sex is essential and reaching the 40s is no reason why you should not have sex frequently. Try different things, see what works for you and keep going at it.


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  • Posted in: Sex
  • Tagged in: advice, aroused, couples, problems, vagina, women

Posted by yannibmbr

Alex is the founder, creative director and managing editor at the Urban Dater. Alex also runs his own boutique marketing agency in Orange County, Ca: DigiSavvy. Among his treasured pursuits are bike rides with his girlfriend ( don’t be perverted, now!), hiking, watching the Portland Trailblazers and the LA Angels. Follow Alex: Twitter | LinkedIn

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Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook2Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships Tagged in: good luck chuck There I was, plopped comfortably on my faux leather couch, catching up on my RSS subscriptions to my fave Bloggers when I came across an article from @missalphawrites of missalphawrites.blogspot.com.

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