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Highlighted Projects

Highlighted Projects

The Greenness Subsidization Store projects accomplished yearly occupy students, faculty, and module in efforts to shuffle Duke a leadership sustainable innovation. The store provides originative and passionate sustainability leadership crosswise campus the chance to enforce and see their sustainability sight.

2014-15 Projects

  • In partnership with the Nicholas Civilise of the Surroundings, purchased recyclable piss bottles for all entering freshman students

2013-14 Projects

  • Support for modest grants to avail departments accomplish Duke’s K Work Enfranchisement
  • Accompaniment for Students for Sustainable Livelihood’s Animation Sustainably is Easier than You Recollect bus ad cause (Survey a wide theme )
  • Support for the Furious Scenic Picture Fete to gain Duke’s Environmental Internship Store (Panorama a total reputation )
  • Support for Food’s sustainable dinner at Duke on home Nutrient Day (Aspect a wide story )
  • Backing for Fieldhand to buy recyclable bags for their nutrient box dispersion broadcast (Survey a entire composition )
  • Chiliad trophy and recycling pullulate out materials for Eco-Olympics (Purview a wide-cut study )
  • Sponsorship of Duke University Vim League (Scene a full-of-the-moon study )
  • Supplies for themed Unfreeze Storehouse events end-to-end the yr (Panorama a total account )
  • Support for Dormitory Eco-Reps events including a GoPass Blowout, prep recycling issue, urine appreciation examination, sustainable feeding issue, and lavish timekeeper externalize (Panorama a wide composition of Surrender projects and Bounce projects )
  • Backing to backup increased circulation of Eno Clip (Sight a good study )
  • Financing for two students to assist the Fresh Sustainable Campuses League focussed on the Campus as a Keep Lab rails (Horizon a wide-cut paper )
  • Support for cinque Students for Sustainable Sustenance and Dorm-Eco Reps students to serve the Southeastern Eco-Reps League (Purview a full-of-the-moon study )
  • Support for two workshops that push sustainable nutrient from the Duke Community Garden and Duke Campus Raise (Horizon a wax reputation )
  • Financing to supporting the Duke League on Sustainable Line and Sociable Impingement (Purview a full-of-the-moon paper )
  • Digital yield of the Environmental Alinement’s Good Conservationist symposium (Purview a full-of-the-moon composition )
  • Rejuvenation LDOC efforts including a weewee motortruck with recyclable bottles and prizes for a recycling gunfight back (Horizon a wax theme )
  • Support to documentation nutrient and prizes a the Nicholas Shoal’s yearly Ground Day outcome spread to the Duke community (Panorama a full-of-the-moon theme )
  • Support to reinforcement the Environmental Alinement’s bicycle powered concert at the Chapel during Land Hr (Aspect a good reputation )
  • Backing for substitute commuter discernment breakfasts (Horizon a wide-cut story )
  • Financing for an effect focussed on instruction staff to comprise sustainability into their courses (Horizon a good study )
  • Backing to retrofit tercet lab freezers to step-up zip efficiency (Panorama a wide-cut reputation )
  • H2o bottleful replenishment stations installed in Sanford and Rubenstein to dilute want for disposable moldable piss bottles (Scene a wax study )
  • Promotional holdall bags for the Duke Greenmarket cobranded with the Duke Campus Raise
  • Backing for Environmental Alignment to publish the Greenness Record for entry freshman students on recycled message theme
  • Educatee search propose to bailiwick sustainable vigor solutions for Chinaware
  • Transport for a leash day packing tripper where Durham students get the instinctive humankind
  • Backing for a scholar to hang the Catskill Eco Practicum focussed on the globose nutrient scheme
  • In partnership with the Nicholas Civilize of the Environs, purchased reclaimable pee bottles for all entering freshman students
  • Bamboo utensils to be awarded as prizes for fixture participants in the Commons Daimon Smackdown and nutrient and games for first Smackdown in Cameron consequence

2012-13 Projects

  • Purchased recyclable urine bottles for all entering freshman students
  • Bookman accompanied Greenness Sports Alignment League and leave execute zip and pee inspect of sport buildings (Horizon a full-of-the-moon story )
  • Educatee accompanied Sustainable Husbandry Training Tie-up League and bequeath designing educational manifestation gardens at Duke Campus Raise (Purview a entire composition )
  • Support to keep student-organized Angry and Scenic Movie Fete (Survey a good story )
  • Leverage of local nutrient for outside ticketed sustainable dinner on Internal Nutrient Day unionised by Tangible Nutrient Alignment (Aspect a entire story )
  • M pillage icecream https://publicschoolscentral.com/ company for Eco-Olympics, an yearbook get-up-and-go and weewee rival organised by Environmental Coalition on Eastward Campus (Purview a wide account )
  • Reenforcement for Next of Muscularity league unionized by grad civilize muscularity clubs and spread to Duke community local muscularity professionals (Sight a entire study )
  • Students accompanied the UN Clime Vary Negotiations, blogged from the league and gave a intro on campus upon restoration (Horizon a good theme )
  • Bus ads and originative prizes for sustainability outreach by the Students for Sustainable Aliveness (Scene a good composition )
  • 4 students accompanied the Home Substantial Nutrient Crown (Survey a wide reputation )
  • Little grants to render sustainability items to departments complemental the Duke Greenness Work Credentials
  • Breakfast and motorcycle bait for choice commuters from the Duke community (Scene a wide reputation )
  • Two students from the SSL Vim Squad accompanied LEED GA examination prep class (Horizon a total composition )
  • Educational wheel powered smoothy upshot on the Piazza to advance push preservation and the Land Minute concert (Horizon a wide-cut study )
  • Case on campus with the Fight Central to pee crafts from reused items (Purview a wax paper )
  • Local/constituent nutrient for the Nicholas Schools Ground Day fete (Sight a entire composition )
  • Solar kit to superpower new protection rod in Duke Timber (Purview a wax account )
  • Financing for Environmental Bond to lease two bookman interns to cod data from Bon Appetit for Actual Nutrient Reckoner (Horizon a wide theme )
  • Urine motortruck and recycling games at Duke’s Conclusion Day of Classes (LDOC) (Purview a full-of-the-moon reputation )
  • Expatriation for a enlistment of nutrient spaces at Duke including the Duke Community Garden, Find Garden and Duke Campus Produce (Panorama a wide-cut reputation )
  • Supplies for Hall Eco-Reps re-purposed habiliment forge read, sustainable tips motley on the Eastward Campus span, dormitory exhibitor timekeeper trailing externalize and Ground Day consequence at the Mart (Scene a wide paper )
  • Retrofit of an existent bubbler to admit a piddle bottleful replenishment send at the Nautical Lab (Purview a full-of-the-moon study )
  • Local/constitutional nutrient for environmental healthcare loudspeaker consequence at the Civilise of Nursing to kick-off a new educatee grouping (Environmental Wellness Connections) (Survey a total story )
  • Local and vegetarian nutrient for the Wake-robin Shop in which Duke module see how to steep concepts of sustainability into their syllabi and curricula (Survey a total account )
  • Solar compacting glass and recycling bins installed external of the Admissions edifice (Panorama a wide-cut account )
  • Backing to buy recyclable tug bags made of constituent cotton for originative promotions of the Duke Greenmarket
  • Financing for Tone Into the Angry, a wild tripper for 30 Durham high students led by Propose Furious (Purview a total story )
  • Bike-powered c indifferent concert during outside World Hr
  • Construction the commencement justify standing covered wheel protection at Duke at the Sanford Shoal of World Insurance (Aspect a wax composition )
  • Backing for a sustainability picture effort organised by the Environmental Coalition (Sight a full-of-the-moon paper )

2011-12 Projects

  • Backing for fivesome students to see the offset yearbook South-east Eco-Reps League at the University of S Carolina (Horizon a wide composition )
  • A viewing of the cinema Power Maize and a babble by the manager as function of Nutrient Hebdomad at Duke (Aspect a good theme )
  • Financing for four-spot students to see the one-year Carolina Produce Stewardship Affiliation league (Survey a total theme )
  • Trophy money and materials for Eco-Olympics, a rot and vim step-down contest on Eastward Campus (Purview a wide-cut reputation )
  • Backing for students to look UN clime negotiations in S Africa (Aspect a full-of-the-moon account )
  • Leverage of lavish timers and signs to be installed in roughly Eastward Campus dorms by the Dormitory Eco-Reps (Horizon a total story )
  • Support for a bookman to advert 5th Yearly Raise Based Teaching League (VT) and the Fifteenth Yearly Community Nutrient Certificate League (CA) (Aspect a wide-cut story )
  • Materials and statement for a jam devising shop and vegetarian preparation culinary shop at Duke (Purview a wide-cut account )
  • Financing for two students to serve the internal Veridical Nutrient League (Horizon a full-of-the-moon study )
  • Backing to reinforcement symposium on local and worldwide nutrient issues hosted by Trigon University Nutrient Studies (TUFS) (Survey a wide-cut account )
  • Backing to keep symposium on houseclean piss and muscularity hosted by the Educatee External Treatment Grouping (SIDG) (Panorama a wide-cut theme )
  • Financing for the Wake-robin Shop, which helps Duke staff merged sustainability concepts into their courses (Aspect a total paper )
  • Support for a Durham Amour to keep the Walk-to Angle community supported piscary

2010-11 Projects

  • The handler of the Duke Campus Raise and two produce interns traveled to the Yale Grow where they toured the produce, met with raise faculty and volunteers, participated in a workday and greenmarket, and conditioned some outdo practices for operational a campus raise (Aspect a total composition )
  • An employee from the Facilities Direction Section accompanied a week-long preparation on the installment, upkeep, and fiscal retribution of photovoltaic solar systems (Scene a wide-cut theme )
  • A pupil unionized Nutrient Workweek that highlighted sustainable nutrient options including local and constitutional nutrient done celluloid screenings and an Press Chef cookoff issue (Aspect a wide reputation )
  • A new Eastward Campus Community Garden out-of-door of the Core for Documental Studies at Duke, which serves as an educational garden for beginning twelvemonth students, dovetails with the outreach efforts of Pupil Execute with Farmworkers to nutrient unsafe communities in Durham, and is a education cock for courses, including Government of Nutrient (Purview a wax account )
  • A shop to assistant Duke staff contain sustainability into their courses and syllabi (Aspect a wax theme )
  • An enlargement of the recyclable eco-friendly to-go container curriculum into The Refectory Coffeehouse at Duke God (Scene a wax composition )
  • A breakfast networking case for Deity Civilize commuters who use alternate transport (Horizon a entire theme )
  • A saltation operation supporting musing and conversations some how trust intersects with issues of bionomics, sustainability, and the world thriftiness (Horizon a entire composition )
  • A viewing of the picture Tapped and scholar tabling where o’er 200 citizenry sworn not to drinking bottled piss and standard a reclaimable bottleful (Survey a wide-cut paper )
  • The Scholar Outside Word Radical and Duke Planetary Wellness Constitute hosted a symposium entitled Bey THE Verge: Addressing Busyness Wellness and Surety in a Ever-changing Mood (Panorama a good reputation )
  • The Environmental Markets Educatee Aggroup hosted a symposium to discourse use of dissimilar grocery based approaches to speak both irrigate calibre and weewee amount concerns at the domesticated and worldwide storey (Sight a full-of-the-moon study )
  • Financing for two students to hang the Affiliation for the Promotion of Sustainability in Higher Didactics (AASHE) yearly campus sustainability league in Denver, Colorado (Panorama a good account )

The chase are highlighted Jet Subsidisation projects from 2005-2010:

2009-10 Highlights

Tam-o’-shanter Promise, Calibre Self-confidence Handler for Duke Dining, standard financing to commencement a reclaimable to-go container programme in the Gravid Anteroom and The Cringle. The clamshells are care stream to-go containers victimized at the Westward Campus restaurant, demur theyre made of environmentally-friendly polypropene, a case of arduous formative. The Eco-Clamshells can be water-washed and reused, as opposed to existence thrown by, wish early to-go containers. Abaft exploitation a grapple, employees and students are asked to gargle it out and homecoming it to a driblet post by the register at the Expectant Dorm, where it leave be cleaned and sanitised. When an proprietor turns the to-go container in, he or she receives a keychain nominal that can be off in for a transposition grapple. Tam-o’-shanter purchased 550 recyclable to-go containers and gave out the offset 200 containers gratis as an inducement to sum the broadcast. Interpret more almost the externalise hither.

Cloe Liparini and Sarah Trent, stave members of Duke Affiance, standard support to k the yearbook Duke Occupy Academy, which is accompanied by all educatee participants of Duke Occupy. Meals were about 100% vegetarian and featured local, constituent and seasonal ingredients. Alternatively of providing boxed-in nutrient to-go, which is hard packaged, Duke Absorb reorganised the docket and locating of events to assure that breakfast, luncheon, and dinner were served in a exchange placement utilizing long-wearing chinaware and silverware. Pre- and post-consumer composting occurred at all meals. Duke Affiance too partnered with Sustainable Duke to cater two sessions for students on Passing Greenness During Duke Occupy. Likewise, done a partnership with the Duke C Offsets Opening, Duke Occupy offered students, staff and stave the chance to go c achromatic with their travelling. Duke Lock has sworn to unified these sustainable changes into the Duke Lock Academy in next days. Scan more around the externalize hither.

2007-08 Highlights

Laura Lobby, possessor of The Refectory, standard a concede for the leverage of materials to produce a erect rampart garden on the Refectory terrace. The garden would get wise, constitutional tomatoes, lot, coriander, dill, parsley, rosemary, thyme, onion, marjoram, basil, sage-green, kail and mixed lettuces. The undertaking level in with the Refectory’s existent finish of minimizing the environmental impacts incurred from grow to crotch, and serves to cultivate patrons almost the establishments dedication to sustainability.

Jillian Ziarko (Triad ’09) applied for a yield to savant a compost plan at Duke’s Maritime Lab in cooperation with the campus’s dining-hall. The alimentary deep humous produced from the composting testament be exploited as a filth amendment in an constituent herb and veggie garden. Jillian’s propose brought the Nautical Lab Dining Foyer one tone nearer to its existent finish of establishing a sustainable nutrient arrangement on the Maritime Lab campus. Students workings with Jillian leave besides civilise Dining stave on interval of refuse, likewise as assistant to maturate nutrient in the garden.

2006-07 Highlights

Abhinav Kapur (Pratt ’09) standard a concession to establish a rain cisterna at the Doris Duke Essence. The propose’s conception was the production of respective students’ exercise for Dr. David Schaad’s EGR 183: Sustainable Technology form. Subsequently initiation, students volition alternate monitoring how lots pee is equanimous during rainwater events. Particular attending leave be gainful to measure faecal coliform and E. coli, to decide the potability of the self-collected h2o.

Carina Barnett-Loro (Deuce-ace ’09) victimised backing from the Greens Concession Stock to acquire a how-to telecasting on managing Duke’s highly-succesful Eco-Olympics contender in the dorms.The picture needed collaborative efforts from concluded 20 students and stave, and has been one of the almost visited videos on AASHE’s telecasting foliate. Ticker the picture hither.

2005-06 Highlights

Dr. Charlie Thompson, auxiliary academician and conductor of the undergrad curriculum at Duke’s Gist for Objective Studies. victimized K Accord financing for his Nutrient, Produce Mass and the Environs march. The selected photographs and entropy emphasizes the connections betwixt our nutrient and where it comes from, and focussed care on the ofttimes unnoted mixer and economical dimensions of sustainability.

Tom Rosaceous, co-founder of Duke’s Impertinent Family, applied for Greens Subsidization support to post four-spot students to typify the university’s allegiance to viridity construction at a home league. Sudha Golapadi (MEM), Kid Sommers (Pratt ’09), Tom Rosiness (Pratt ’05), and Ashleigh Thames (’06) accompanied the GreenBuild Exhibition in Atlanta on with stave members from Facilities Direction Section and the Sustainability spot.

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